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A search for 'Treasure Planet' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1656 matches in tracks
  1. Dead Man's Treasure (Treasure Hunt) (01:25)
    from Avengers, The
  2. Dead Man's Treasure (Treasure Hunt) (01:25)
    from 50 Years Of The Music Of Laurie Johnson Volume 1
  3. Dead Man's Treasure (Treasure Hunt) (01:25)
    from Professionals, The
  4. Dead Man's Treasure (Treasure Hunt) (01:25)
    from Animal Magic
  5. Dead Man's Treasure (Treasure Hunt) (01:25)
    from Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb
  6. Dead Man's Treasure (Treasure Hunt) (01:25)
    from Tiger Bay
  7. The Quest For Treasure (06:29)
    from Stingray
  8. What Planet/Planet Chromo/3 O'Clock/Chromoite Beams In/Attempted Escape (04:40)
    from Outer Limits, The
    Tracks 6-10: Score From Episode 'The Mice'
  9. Planet der Kranken (Planet of Sick People) (04:16)
    from Captain Future
    Sirius Mo
  10. Shuttle to Planet / Trek across Planet (04:26)
    from Galaxy Quest
  11. Treasure (03:38)
    from National Treasure
  12. Treasure Box (00:12)
    from Legend of Zelda, The: Majora's Mask
  13. The Treasure (04:04)
    from Order, The
  14. Treasure Map (01:41)
    from Treasure Island: The Adventure Begins
  15. Treasure (00:51)
    from Fish Called Wanda, A
  16. The Treasure (00:50)
    from Last Of The Secret Agents?, The
  17. Maybe A Treasure (02:32)
    from Hole, The
  18. Treasure (01:47)
    from Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
  19. Treasure (05:43)
    from Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
  20. The treasure (06:12)
    from Via Mala
Show all 1656 matching tracks